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Below you will find a list of stories set in the Metamor Keep universe. If you find a story that you really like, please take the time to drop the author a note and pass on your compliments. It means a lot and helps encourage them to do more.

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Order: Chronological Alphabetical
Showing stories 1 through 50 of 616 total.
  1. Metamor Keep, by Copernicus (6,522 words)
  2. Alchemy, by Pascal Q. Porcupine (1,230 words)
  3. Speed of the Light Fantastic, by Zach (1,639 words)
  4. For Knowledge's Sake, by Christopher Hughes (1,006 words)
  5. Writer's Guild, by Charles Matthias (1,843 words)
  6. Fur-brained, by Magus (258 words)
  7. Alone in the Dark, by Dan D'Alimonte (3,092 words)
  8. Potion, by Pascal Q. Porcupine (1,354 words)
  9. Library, by Pascal Q. Porcupine (1,541 words)
  10. Storm Watch, by Terry Spafford (5,500 words)
  11. Patrol, by Christopher Hughes (3,650 words)
  12. Artificer's Gambit, by Jon Sleeper (5,144 words)
  13. Lightbringer, by Raven Blackmane (1,922 words)
  14. Malvoisin, by Wanderer (7,286 words)
  15. Sunny Breaks, by Terry Spafford (1,205 words)
  16. The Fight that Never Happened, by Charles Matthias (2,695 words)
  17. Homecoming, by Christopher Hughes (10,679 words)
  18. Coyote Delivers, by KeeCoyote (414 words)
  19. Tail of a Young Wolf, by Wanderer (3,156 words)
  20. Playing with Fire, by Phil Guesz (1,308 words)
  21. Fool for a Day, by Devon Erthshade (817 words)
  22. Welcoming Committee, by Chris O'Kane (755 words)
  23. 'Tis the Season, by Wanderer (1,229 words)
  24. Hoof and Claw, by Jon Sleeper (7,352 words)
  25. Sea Breeze, by Terry Spafford (10,827 words)
  26. Support Group, by Charles Matthias (4,912 words)
  27. Facing Knight, by Charles Matthias (3,065 words)
  28. Confession, by Christopher Hughes (1,254 words)
  29. Evening Stroll, by Charles Matthias (5,433 words)
  30. Especially Disappointed, by Charles Matthias (1,824 words)
  31. Escaping, by Charles Matthias (4,086 words)
  32. The Secrets in Truth, by Charles Matthias and Fox Cutter (4,700 words. Added Oct 5, 2008)
  33. Escalation, by Charles Matthias (3,273 words)
  34. Errands and Editors, by Charles Matthias (5,965 words)
  35. A New Season, by Dan D'Alimonte (859 words)
  36. Equinox Arriveth, by Charles Matthias (4,695 words)
  37. A Small Repair, by Chris O'Kane (2,317 words)
  38. The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Grasshoppers, by Dan D'Alimonte (8,146 words)
  39. Winds of Destiny, by Phil Guesz (13,012 words)
  40. Entertaining Thoughts of Eucharist, by Charles Matthias (7,303 words)
  41. The Effects of Rising Too Early, by Charles Matthias (3,178 words)
  42. Eating at the Duke's Table, by Charles Matthias (8,198 words)
  43. Long Beneath the Keep, by KeeCoyote (1,100 words)
  44. Tournament, by Chris O'Kane (2,933 words)
  45. Easter Endeth, by Charles Matthias (3,997 words)
  46. Fetish, by Christopher Hughes (3,979 words)
  47. Early to Sleep, by Charles Matthias (5,999 words)
  48. Writer's Conference, by Phil Guesz (3,381 words)
  49. Admissions and Applications, by Charles Matthias (6,319 words)
  50. Arduous Tasks, by Charles Matthias (5,521 words)
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